出生日 Birth|1994/08/21
星座 Zodiac Sign|獅子座 Leo
血型 Blood Type|A型
專長 Expertise|歌唱 Singing、詞曲創作 Songwriting
2017年 簽約成為植光土壤音創專屬詞曲作者
Songwriting contract with OP: L2R Creation Stuidio
SP: Universal Music Publishing Ltd
2018年 發行首張個人單曲【煩人】【什麼東西】
Released debut personal singles "Annoying Love" and "What's that?"
2019年 首張專輯【徒步旅行】
Released debut album "Life Travel"
2020年 單曲【化妝舞會】【班傑明】
Released singles "Masquerade" and "Benjamin"
2021年 單曲【哎一啊嗚!】【烏】
Released singles "A-Yi-A-Wu!" and "Cloudy"
Competition Achievements
2014 5月 國立台北商業大學【超song杯歌唱才藝大賽】個人組第一名
1st place in the National Taipei University of Commerce "Super Song Cup Singing Talent Contest"
Selected for the Government "Singing Songs of Hope" Songwriting competition
2017 11月 國立台南藝術大學【刺桐歌唱大賽】團體組第一名
1st place in the band category at the National Tainan University of the Arts "Erythrina Singing Contest"
2018 4月 咖啡廣場【站出來音樂挑戰賽】複賽入圍
Finalist in the Famous brand Cafe' Plaza "Stand Up Music Challenge" songwriting category
7月 新光三越【不插電音樂大賽】決賽入圍
Finalist in the "Unplugged Music Contest" at the famous department store Shin Kong Mitsukoshi
Finalist in the Taiwan Mobile "MYFONE Action Creation Award" for original songs
11月 國立台南藝術大學【刺桐歌唱大賽】個人組、團體組第二名
2nd place in both Solo and Band categories at the National Tainan University of the Arts "Erythrina Singing Contest" 12月【輔仁青韻獎】個人組、重唱組決賽入圍、創作組最佳作詞獎
Finalist in the Solo and Duet Singing and awarded Best Lyricist at Fu Jen Catholic University "Cyan Rhyme"
2019 5月 【政大金旋獎】歌唱組、創作組複賽入圍
Finalist in the "NCCU Golden Melody" Singing duet and Songwriting categories
Finalist and 3rd place award in the College of Band category at Cafe' Plaza "Stand Out Music Challenge"
2015 2月 Playground ATT SHOW BOX演唱會 Playground ATT SHOW BOX Concert
西門町Playground活動表演嘉賓 Guest performer at Playground event in Ximending
2016 6月 第一屆【南流音樂節】1st Annual Wandering South Music Festival
12月【什麼?不知道?】新歌巡迴演唱會台南拾壹庫表演嘉賓 "What? Don't Know?" New Song Tour, Guest performer at Tainan U11 Performance Art Space
成功大學X台南藝術大學【聖誕晚會】活動表演嘉賓 Guest performer at National Cheng Kung University X National Tainan University Christmas event
2017 1月【什麼?不知道?】巡迴演唱會河岸留言表演嘉賓 "What? Don't Know?" Tour, Guest performer at Riverside Red House Theater Performance Hall
11月 桃園鐵玫瑰【新秀小舞台】Taoyuan Iron Rose "New Talent Showcase"
12月【321音緣聚會】321藝術聚落演唱會 "321 Sound Gathering" Concert at 321 Art Village
2018 1月 國立台南藝術大學【尾牙活動】表演嘉賓 Guest performer at National Tainan University New Year's event
屏東【大鵬灣賽道音樂節】Performer at Pingtung's Pen Bay Circuit Music Festival
7月 第二屆【南流音樂節】2nd Annual Wandering South Music Festival
9月 台灣氣味巡迴展【被鼻子牽著走】Taiwan Scent Tour Exhibition "Led by the Nose"
10月 第三屆【南流音樂節-肆藝作樂】3rd Annual Wandering South Music Festival - Art and Music Celebration
2019 5月 高雄百樂門【與你相遇:堅香子 x 柯淳恩】
"Encounter with You: Katakagonohana x Betty Ke" at Kaohsiung Paramount Bar
6月 烏山頭水庫【有趣藝術祭】1st Annual Fun Art Festival at Wushantou Dam
7月 小地方展演空間【專輯徒步旅行巡迴台北場】"Life Travel" Album Tour - Taipei at Small place for performances
8月 Angle異角音樂【專輯徒步旅行巡迴台中場】"Life Travel" Album Tour - Taichung at Angle Music
Humminbird Nest Bistro蜂鳥巢【專輯徒步旅行巡迴台南場】
"Life Travel" Album Tour - Tainan at The Humminbird Nest Bar
公館小河岸【2019夏日搖滾營成發】"2019 Summer Rock Camp" at Riverside Music Cafe
9月 公館小河岸【GPS定位失常】"GPS Malfunction" at Riverside Music Cafe
12月 西門大河岸 音造計畫【水心百鍊演唱會】Yourock Concert at Riverside Red House Theater Performance Hall
凝聚力音樂娛樂 有夢音樂【只想唱首歌演唱會】開場嘉賓
Opening guest at "Just Want to Sing a Song Concert" by Cohesion Space and Umon Music
2月 公館小河岸【再見,再相遇】"Goodbye, Meet Again" at Riverside Music Cafe
6月 中國科技大學【金嗓獎】開場嘉賓
Opening guest at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology's "Golden Voice Awards"
7月 Remember Me Cafe【銘心留聲機】Remember Me Cafe
8月 屏東【獨立音樂節-唱給海聽】Pingtung Music Festival - "Sing to the Sea"